
6 Ways Demand Planning Software Impacts Warehouses

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Warehouses play a critical role in the supply chain, serving as hubs where inventory is stored, managed, and eventually shipped to fulfill customer orders. These operations are complex because they require strong logistical coordination to both function seamlessly and be sustainable. What this means is that modern warehouses need a modern solution that helps them accomplish these goals. 

For that, we look to demand planning software.

Why is that the case? The success of warehouse operations hinges acutely on accurate demand planning, a process that involves forecasting future demand based on historical data, market trends, and other relevant factors, to coordinate operations. While demand planning has long been a fixture in the warehouse industry, today’s demand planning is far more advanced and provides deep, meaningful insights.

In this article, we’ll explore demand planning software and how it impacts warehouse operations.

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What Exactly is Demand Planning?

On the surface, demand planning is simple: it’s the process of anticipating inventory needs based on historical data, to coordinate the logistics of warehouse operations. 

Demand planning can be thought of as a two-step process: the first stage involves demand forecasting, which is the stage where future inventory needs are predicted. In the second step, those predictions are aligned with business goals and resources, to ensure the practical execution of timely and accurate order fulfillment. 

By pairing demand forecasting with business operations, demand planning becomes a strategic imperative that drives positive outcomes in warehouses. These outcomes include operational efficiency, cost-effectiveness, increased customer satisfaction, and overall success in meeting customer demands.

What is Demand Planning Software?

To understand how demand planning software impacts warehouses, it’s important to understand exactly what it is. Warehouse technology and management systems started to develop in the mid-1970s, and since then, warehouse operations have become increasingly more sophisticated. Even in the past few years, major strides have been made in warehouse technologies, including in the realm of demand planning software.

Today’s demand planning software is advanced and sophisticated and leverages inventory analytics and data processing tools. It also often incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to provide accurate and insightful predictions about future demand for goods or services.

Demand planning takes inventory data and historical data into account for its forecasts, and it can even operate in “uncertain” circumstances. For example, it can plan for future promotions and generate accurate forecasts for special events, such as new customers or natural disasters. 

Why Is Demand Planning Software Necessary?

Without demand planning software, leaders are left to rely on “traditional methods” of demand planning, which might include manually reviewing historical data, conducting market research, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and adjusting for seasonality. 

The truth is that many warehouses today use patchwork technological solutions to meet all their needs, leaving gaps in their capabilities. For example, one study found that half of America’s largest importers “still use spreadsheets to manage complex supply chains.” When this is the case, warehouse leaders can experience deficiencies in their technological capabilities, which lead to a lack of accurate demand planning. That’s because these fragmented solutions lack real-time capabilities and rely on manual processing (which can leave room for errors).

6 Ways Demand Planning Software Impacts Warehouse 

The effects of demand planning software in warehouses are very pronounced. 

Here are some of the most common impacts of demand planning software on warehouse operations:

1. Streamlined inventory management 

One of the biggest ways demand planning software impacts warehouses is by drastically streamlining inventory management. This happens through:

  • Real-time visibility: Demand-planning software gives all stakeholders the ability to see the status of inventory in real-time. This can lead to accurate tracking, as well as critical and timely answers to questions about inventory.
  • Advanced accuracy: Demand forecasting tools are integrated into demand planning software, and these tools use advanced analytics, statistical models, and machine learning algorithms to analyze historical data and generate more accurate demand forecasts. They can also identify trends and allow for the creation of multiple demand scenarios.
  • Improvement of stock levels: Demand planning software can directly correlate to the reduction of excess stock and stockouts. This is done by accurately forecasting items and setting strategically based safety stocks. 

2. Enhanced order fulfillment

Demand planning software can lead to optimized and enhanced order fulfillment, due to its insights and features. For example, it can allow for order prioritization and route optimization, and can also help decision-makers monitor vendor reliability. 

Notably, demand planning software can help minimize order errors and improve order accuracy. These systems typically verify the order process, which can reduce the likelihood of errors during various stages (such as packing or shipping). The benefits of enhanced order fulfillment can lead to a better experience for warehouses and employees, as well as for customers. 

3. Optimized warehouse operations

Demand planning software can lead to more efficient and optimized warehouse operations overall. This software can assist with things like balancing workloads and adjusting for seasonality. Leaders can also use the insights from demand planning software to better organize their workforce. For example, during peak demand periods, leaders can proactively allocate labor resources. 

The insights from demand planning software even have the potential to impact the profitability of warehouses by minimizing operational costs. Leaders can use insights from this software to clearly identify operational expenses and make data-backed decisions. 

4. Better collaboration and communication

Demand planning software helps reduce information silos and improve collaboration within organizations because all stakeholders can access the same centralized information. Demand planning software can also facilitate communication between different departments and business units in a warehouse, ensuring that all relevant parties have access to the same real-time data.

These tools can also help strengthen communication with suppliers and other external stakeholders. For example, the warehouse can use the insights from demand planning software to thoughtfully adjust production schedules and share clear needs and expectations with suppliers. 

Improved coordination with suppliers and integrated communication channels can help create a more synchronized and responsive supply chain. 

5. Deeper analytics and reporting

Another critical impact of demand planning software on warehouses has to do with data. These systems collect and supply warehouses with accurate, real-time insights, which can empower leaders to make data-driven decisions. 

Demand planning software typically includes robust data analytics tools to analyze historical sales data, market trends, and other relevant information. These tools can also identify patterns and correlations in customer behavior, enabling businesses to make tactical decisions.

Demand planning software often includes a dashboard feature, which clearly displays key data and insights, and makes it easier for stakeholders to quickly understand complicated information. They also usually include tools that help with measuring KPIs and reporting. 

6. Improved scalability and flexibility 

Scalability and flexibility are both essential for warehouses that want to thrive in today’s competitive supply chain ecosystem. The need to scale can come unexpectedly, as market conditions and consumer habits can quickly trigger warehouse growth. Similarly, warehouses need to be flexible in the face of rapidly changing demands and needs. 

Demand planning software helps facilitate both scalability and flexibility by providing warehouses with data models that make it easier to adapt to changing conditions. These systems can recognize and accommodate seasonal fluctuations and can accommodate event-driven adjustments. They also create a scalable infrastructure that can accommodate fluctuations in data volume and processing as your business grows.

StockIQ, Your Dream Demand Planning Tool

Demand planning software can be a tool that overhauls the way a warehouse operates. From better inventory management to happier customers, demand planning software can be the key to making vast improvements in any warehouse. 

If you’re looking for a comprehensive solution for your warehouse that includes advanced demand forecasting features, StockIQ is here for you. 

StockIQ is a supply chain planning suite targeted at manufacturers  and distributors that includes many features, including advanced demand planning. Be prepared for the future with sophisticated forecasting algorithms, order with optimized quantities, and take control of your inventory with planning dashboards.

Interested in seeing how StockIQ can help enhance your demand planning? Contact us today. 

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